Sometimes I have to escape my everyday life. Leave those daily routines behind and take a deep breath. My „me“ is desperate for some quality time and a look in the mirror shows me nothing but tired smiles. So I decide that it’s time that I make it to the top of my priority list again. Ayurveda is perfect for that- you get to reset your body and mind in a place far far away. So why not go to India or Sri Lanka, the mecca of Ayurveda?! Looking into the matter, I come to find out the possibilities are endless. But my inner compass quickly guides me towards a resort in Kerala. My more experienced friends call it „India for beginners“, which sounds just about about right for a rookie like me. I have no intentions of rushing the journey back to myself, so I go ahead and book a three weeks stay.
Soon after, the thrill of anticipation kicks in and with it an endorphine rush everytime I think about my upcoming adventure. And packing my suitcase with all summer clothing in the middle of winter certainly has its appeal too. Finally it’s time to say „Goodbye, Berlin. Hello, India!“ Fully equipped with DVT stockings and Jet Lag prevention pills, I board the plane. And after a flight that feels like eternity, I am finally here! Who knew that finding relaxation was such hard work?! The first friendly face I see in this new world is my driver, who makes sure my adrenaline stays up during our one hour trip through indian traffic. Sure, I had heard countless stories about the indian streets before, but being right in the middle of it has me fearing for my life more than once. Struggling to get into the buddhist spirit and trusting my driver to do his job, I give in to my tired eyes and choose to ignore the risky maneuvers, jumping in and out of lanes and the multitude of Tuk Tuks, cars and bikes. I take a deep breath and hope it wasn’t my last one.
Eventually I’m standing in front of a gate marked Erandi Marari – the door to paradise. My hosts hand me a fresh coconut and a wreath of flowers, which quite possibly is a token of apology for my near death experience with their driver. And then it’s time to meet my temporary new home for the first time. A bungalow just steps from the ocean. I’m finally here.
The next few hours are filled with unpacking and exploring. The beach in front of my door has been partially washed away by the latest monsoons, so the ocean is even closer than it would normally be. So close that, come nighttime, the sound of the waves has me feeling like I am in the middle of the ocean, rather than just very close to it. Overwhelmed by this force of nature, I turn to ear plugs for help, which proves to be a brilliant idea when at 5 a.m. the neighbours rooster starts his early morning serenades. Did I mention that I’m a city person?!
The resort itself is relatively small and nestled perfectly on this beach section. Its six bungalows feature a mix of western architecture and traditional indian elements, which despite their modern, clean-cut design, blend in perfectly with the surrounding nature. The highlight in each room is a jaw-dropping outdoor shower, which I never want to leave again.
As I take my first walk around the resort later that day, I can’t help but notice just how small it really is. What if I find myself annoyed with me fellow travellers? Where would I go hide? Luckily, the feeling doesn’t last. As do any negative thoughts I encounter. Negative feelings don’t last in paradise. Even my initial fearfulness of getting bored in the confines of my temporary home, proves to be nothing but left over city girl hysteria.
Instead I come to find out that the soft hand that guides me through me new daily routine, knows exactly what it’s doing. Good food, treatments, yoga and a whole lot of sweet idleness are working wonders on both my body and my soul. I almost forgot just how good it feels to do absolutely nothing. Welcome back!
My first appointment with my Ayurveda doctor is a very special experience. No backing out now! Wrapped in an orange towel, the resorts dresscode for guests, I enter the Ayurveda area. A sign hanging over the entrance welcomes me with the words „Leave your world behind“. I have a feeling that this might be the overall motto for the next three weeks. My initial consultation reveals my „doshas“- considerable imbalance is the diagnosis. Luckily, that is exactly what I’m here for! The blood-pressure gauge seems to be a relict from bygone times, but it fits perfectly into this world that is so different from anything I know.
Let the relaxation begin
Mit neuer Erkenntnis über meinen Körper und fasziniert von der wunderbaren Ausstrahlung der Ayurveda Ärztin Dr. Molly ziehe ich von dannen. Ich bin gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen auf die Behandlungen, die Medizin und das Essen, die alles wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringen sollen. Jeder hier bekommt sein maßgeschneidertes Programm, jeder ist ja schließlich auch ein bisschen anders aus der Balance. Das Essen am Abend, direkt am Wasser im offenen Restaurant, ist ein Highlight. Unglaublich, wie lecker Reis und Gemüse schmecken können. Ich bekomme drei unterschiedliche Töpfchen, jeden Tag sind es wieder andere Köstlichkeiten, die sich darin verbergen. Täglich überrascht mich ein anderer Duft nach betörenden Gewürzen, die mir den Gaumen kitzelen. Weniger lecker ist die hausgebraute Medizin, die die allabendlich in meinem Zimmer auf mich wartet als wäre sie ein Betthupferl. Dabei gilt hier das Motto „Augen zu und durch“, oder wie meine Oma immer sagte: „Egal, wenn’s schön macht…“.
Equipped with this new knowledge about my body and fascinated by doctor Mollys incredible aura, I am now officially on my way to meet my new and balanced self. I’m curious of the next things to come- the treatments, the food, the medicines, all of which serve the purpose to help me find equilibrium. Each guest gets their own personal treatment plan that fits their unique form of imbalance.
This evenings dinner by the ocean is a true highlight. It’s remarkable how delicious rice and vegetables can be. The food is served in three little pots, a different delicacy each day and day by day the smells and spices inspire my senses. Much unlike the medicines I receive in the evenings. I remind myself that I came here on a mission and hear my grandmothers words „Grit your teeth and get to it!“. And boy, do I get to it.
The daily treatments are a revelation. Every day, two therapists take me by the hands and lead me into a room bursting with the smell of incense sticks. A pair of hands on my shoulders and my head, the ritual begins with a hinduistic prayer. The therapists skillful guidance make it easy let go and fully dive into the experience. This trance-like relaxation is definitely something I could get used to. And indeed, with every passing day I feel more energised and almost renewed. The crumpled woman I know from the mirror suddenly starts to look a lot different. Hey, you. I like you!
The cocoon-like transformation I can feel myself going through, is just as noticeable in the other guests. After three or four days the blossoming begins, which has a tremendous effect on the atmosphere in the resort. Every last person I meet, greets me with a smile. Down to the security guard who is always right there, grinning from ear to ear, as I step outside of my room in the morning. And soon I find myself blending right in with all those ever happy-always smiling people. What is happening to me? I feel so…Ommm. And as if that wasn’t already tawdry enough, there’s dolphins swimming by just outside the resort. Every day. It’s almost as if they enjoy watching our transformation. Maybe „negative“ doesn’t even exist around here. And maybe the secret is in the language of Sanskrit? It is, after all, the only language in the world without a single negative word. Would the world be a better place if everybody spoke Sanskrit? Should I start a revolution and declare Sanskrit the new world language?
However, now and then I still catch myself thinking negative thoughts. But whenever I do, my lovely doctor Molly is right there and patiently guides me back to a more positive approach. When I tell her that I am sad about my rapidly approaching departure, she turns my thoughts around and explains that I shouldn’t focus on what I’m about to leave behind but on all the beautiful experiences I gained. And oh, how right she is! Emotional reset. It sounds corny, but life really is a little easier that way.
Another vital component to my relaxation and amusement, is my yoga teacher Shine. It takes me a while to understand his indian-english and until I’m able to execute the exercises to his satisfaction. Never again will I be able to take a step back with my left leg without hearing him say „Leb leg baaaaag.“ in my head. He is relentless and VERY serious about his job. On the morning of my third day, the rain is so heavy that I decide to skip his class and just stay in bed to listen to the rain drops knock on my window. Soon the knocks seem to be gaining a lot of intensity and I realize that it is in fact Shine knocking on my door. „Hello, where are you. It is yoga time.“ I hear him say. I contemplate pretending to be asleep, but I soon have to admit defeat to his persistent yelling and knocking. I get up and go to his class and just a few short days after, we both get rewarded. I mastered the headstand! To me it is a small miracle, but Shine just nods his head, knowing that I haven’t reached the end of my capabilities yet. And he remains right- in the end I am able to hold myself in crow pose for a few seconds. Never in a million years did I think that I would be able to develop this much in such a short amount of time. The only damper on my happiness is the fact that my meditation skills are still far from improved. „Calm your mind, tame the monkey.“ he says. The monkey, my thoughts, however has no intention to calm down at all. I think about everything and anything- but never „nothing“.
The three weeks come to an end way sooner than I hoped. A part of me wants to just stop the clock from moving, so I won’t have to leave. But the monkey and I understand, that things don’t always go our way. For the grand finale, the entire Ayurveda team comes together to say goodbye with a hinduistic ritual. They sing songs and throw flowers on me. As a farewell gift and good luck charm, I receive a tiny nut to protect me on my future endeavours. With tears in my eyes but charged with incredibly positive energy at the same time, I feel ready to make my way back home. And I am leaving with a suitcase full of memories. Memories of a magical place, wonderful people and an unforgettable time. I know in my heart that I will be back. Just like all the other „persistent offenders“ that have been coming here for years.
Some time has passed since my return. And as I am writing this and relive all these moments, I try to take a look and see how much of the three weeks I still recognize in my everyday life. The positive energy is still there. It’s growing roots inside of me. Little by little, despite all the everyday struggles. I am thankful for this new part of me and I have finally started to tame that little monkey. Together we take good care of ourselves. Namaskara!
If you want to know all about my amazing excursions on this trip, watch out for part two of this travel report!
Join me on my Rock ‘n Roll journey,
Kate Rock